The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservative forces.
——期刊摘选Sometimes the rallying cry is'save the Tomb of Christ from the Heathen!'
飘(部分)It's a sort of rallying cry when one of them got into a scrape.
电影对白Villagers and militiamen take turns joining in a rallying cry: Papua merdeka!
村民和游击队员们轮番呼喊着战斗口号: 巴布亚默迪卡!
期刊摘选Its owners say the nightclub's name was inspired by the US leader's rallying cry for change.
夜总会老板称,是奥巴马竞选总统时候大声疾呼“转化 ” 给了他们灵感.
期刊摘选Internet freedom has become the new rallying cry in many countries for those seeking political freedom.
期刊摘选It's the new rallying cry of a beleaguered nation.
期刊摘选'Land and Liberty' was the rallying cry of revolutionary Mexico.
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版...an issue that is fast becoming a rallying cry for many Democrats: national health care.
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